Rafael Hernandez Airport (BQN): information on flights and special offers

Information about Rafael Hernandez Airport

Detailed information about Rafael Hernandez Airport: location, flight schedules, information about special offers and prices.

Opening hours:



Local time:

UTC: -4

Rafael Hernandez Airport on the map

Flights from Rafael Hernandez Airport

Flight Flight days Departure Arrival Flight time Airlines Price
MTN8110 Aguadilla — Saint Lucia mon 09:00 10:59 1h 59m FedEx search
UA1162 Aguadilla — New York daily 01:09 04:09 4h 0m United Airlines from $105 search
A88120 Aguadilla — Aruba fri 13:00 14:47 1h 47m Ameriflight search
EK9914 Aguadilla — Amsterdam fri, sat 19:35 09:10 7h 35m Emirates search
F91097 Aguadilla — Orlando sat 02:35 05:52 3h 17m Frontier (Grizwald the Bear Livery) from $40 search
2Q907 Aguadilla — Santo Domingo thu 08:00 08:59 59m Air Cargo Carriers search
FX258 Aguadilla — Santo Domingo fri 13:00 13:41 41m FedEx search
TJ524 Aguadilla — San Juan sat 12:20 12:49 29m Tradewind Aviation from $681 search
IF8108 Aguadilla — Santo Domingo mon, tue, fri 11:00 11:49 49m Gulf and Caribbean Cargo search
EK9914 Aguadilla — Amsterdam fri, sat 21:35 11:10 7h 35m Emirates search

Schedules of all flights

Flights to Rafael Hernandez Airport

Flight Flight days Departure Arrival Flight time Airlines Price
2Q908 Santo Domingo — Aguadilla mon, tue, wed, thu, fri 16:30 18:10 1h 40m Air Cargo Carriers from $249 search
FX257 Memphis — Aguadilla tue, wed, thu, fri 14:54 19:25 3h 31m FedEx search
F94882 Orlando — Aguadilla tue 08:30 12:16 2h 46m Frontier (Grizwald the Bear Livery) from $123 search
F99204 Orlando — Aguadilla tue 14:15 18:09 2h 54m Frontier (Grizwald the Bear Livery) from $123 search
B62071 Fort Lauderdale — Aguadilla daily 10:00 13:31 2h 31m JetBlue Airways search
B6630 Orlando — Aguadilla mon, tue, thu, fri, sun 20:39 23:27 2h 48m JetBlue Airways from $123 search
B6630 Orlando — Aguadilla sun 23:10 02:51 2h 41m JetBlue Airways from $123 search
F91098 Orlando — Aguadilla tue, thu, sun 15:19 18:08 2h 49m Frontier (Grizwald the Bear Livery) from $123 search
F91098 Orlando — Aguadilla fri 06:50 10:39 2h 49m Frontier (Grizwald the Bear Livery) from $123 search
B6839 New York — Aguadilla fri, sat 20:50 00:40 3h 50m JetBlue Airways from $121 search

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