Richards Field (MSS): information on flights and special offers

Information about Richards Field

Detailed information about Richards Field: location, flight schedules, information about special offers and prices.

Opening hours:



Local time:

UTC: -4

Richards Field on the map

Flights from Richards Field

Flight Flight days Departure Arrival Flight time Airlines Price
4B861 Massena — Boston daily 08:30 09:50 1h 20m Boutique Air search
4B865 Massena — Boston daily 18:20 19:40 1h 20m Boutique Air search
4B861 Massena — Boston mon, tue, wed, thu, fri 09:30 10:50 1h 20m Boutique Air search
4B863 Massena — Boston daily 12:20 13:50 1h 30m Boutique Air search
4B862 Massena — Boston sun 12:20 13:37 1h 17m Boutique Air search

Schedules of all flights

Flights to Richards Field

Flight Flight days Departure Arrival Flight time Airlines Price
4B864 Boston — Massena daily 14:30 15:50 1h 20m Boutique Air search
4B862 Boston — Massena daily 10:30 11:50 1h 20m Boutique Air search

Airlines flying to Richards Field

List of all airlines that fly to Richards Field:

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