Departures from Chub Cay (CCZ) - today


Local time:

Chub Cay online departure board. Here you can see all flights, delays and cancellations. Also, there is detailed information about each flight - the time of departure of the aircraft, the flight number, the serving airline, the aircraft's board number.

Time Flight Route Airline Aircraft Status
Saturday, 11 May
08:51 West Palm Beach (Palm Beach International Airport) NetJets C680 (Cessna 680 Citation Sovereign) Scheduled
09:48 West Palm Beach (Palm Beach International Airport) NetJets C68A (Cessna 680A Citation Latitude) Scheduled
10:00 TJ435 West Palm Beach (Palm Beach International Airport) Tradewind Aviation PC12 Scheduled
11:00 New London (New London) NetJets E55P (Embraer Phenom 300) Scheduled
13:00 Westchester County (Westchester County Airport) NetJets CL35 (Bombardier Challenger 350) Scheduled
13:35 TJ809 Marsh Harbour (Marsh Harbour International Airport) Tradewind Aviation PC12 Scheduled
14:00 Houston (William P. Hobby Airport) NetJets E55P (Embraer Phenom 300) Scheduled
15:18 Fort Lauderdale (Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport) NetJets C68A (Cessna 680A Citation Latitude) Scheduled

Flight schedule

Flight departure time from Chub Cay (Chub Cay) is local. Information about the departure time may be displayed with a slight delay.

Attention! Specify the information about the status of flights (cancellations and delays) by phone numbers or on the website of Chub Cay.

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