Vôo direto F91470: San Diego — Las Vegas

Informações sobre o vôo F91470

Voo F91470 San Diego Lindberg Fld S.Diego (San Diego) — Las Vegas Mccarran (Las Vegas) é realizada por Frontier (Wellington the Black-footed Ferret) 5 do tempo(s) por semana: Ter, Qui, Sex, Sáb, Dom.

O tempo de vôo é de 1h 23m.

Saída Chegada Dias de vôo Companhias aéreas Hora do voo Aeroportos
21:14 22:41 Sáb Frontier (Wellington the Black-footed Ferret) 1h 27m San Diego Lindberg Fld S.Diego — Las Vegas Mccarran Procurar
21:17 22:40 Sáb Frontier (Wellington the Black-footed Ferret) 1h 23m San Diego Lindberg Fld S.Diego — Las Vegas Mccarran Procurar
21:32 22:59 Sex, Dom Frontier (Wellington the Black-footed Ferret) 1h 27m San Diego Lindberg Fld S.Diego — Las Vegas Mccarran Procurar
21:38 23:05 Qui Frontier (Wellington the Black-footed Ferret) 1h 27m San Diego Lindberg Fld S.Diego — Las Vegas Mccarran Procurar
22:05 23:32 Ter Frontier (Wellington the Black-footed Ferret) 1h 27m San Diego Lindberg Fld S.Diego — Las Vegas Mccarran Procurar

O regresso: F91325F92119NK1850NK191NK429NK6741NK741WN310WN4101WN4105WN4106

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